Have you lost the wonder of who you are to God? When was the last time you prayed: “Lord, thank you so much that You love me, with all my good points but also with my faults and weaknesses, and that I’ll spend eternity with You”? Nothing could be more wonderful than that. Because we believe in Him and love Him, we are His children and destined for Heaven.  That is wonderful!  Have you lost the wonder of it?

Have you lost the wonder of your uniqueness?  So often we forget the wonder of how God has created us.  King David wrote: For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb.  I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.  (Psalm 139:13-14)

The greatest of all creations is man himself, this marvellous machine—precise and efficient. The brain is the centre of a complex computer system more wonderful than the greatest one ever built by man, and it computes and sends throughout the body billions of bits of information that control every action, right down to the flicker of an eyelid.

 Stop one minute while reading this and think about how your body works. Our bodies are composed of amazingly complex organs like the eyes, the ears, the heart, kidneys, the liver, lungs, everything works perfectly thanks to the nerves, the muscles, the bones, the blood,  etc. and this wonderful brain of ours! You are made full of wonder.

 Have you ever really appreciated the wonder of who you are? Aren’t you awestruck at the wonder of God’s creativity in you?